Our list of possible guests is quite long, and growing, and only capped by the population of our desired audience which is the residents, and friends, of the Town of Princeton. Choosing which person to interview first was based on close connection to the Library. We needed easy access and someone we knew well to ensure ease of conversation while we were still in unknown territory. We were excited. We were a bit nervous. We had yet to make the podcast public and we had only recorded conversations with each other, the librarians. Yet in our conversations in Episodes 0 and 1 we brought up our own questions about the history of our library and PALS (Princeton Area Library Supporters). These considerations naturally led us to ask our fearless PALS president and local author, Hope Toler Dougherty, to be our first actual guest on the podcast.

The spontaneous launching of the podcast just happened to fall on the calendar right around the time Hope was launching her new book, and we already had a book signing event scheduled for later in the month. In order to not cover too many topics in one episode, we opted to record two episodes with Hope. One to discuss her journey as an author, and the upcoming launch of Forever Free and the book signing event. A second to discuss the history of Princeton Public Library and PALS. We rearranged the furniture in the Young Adult area of the library and created our own comfortable recording studio.

Episode 2
Episode 4

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