Story Time

Tuesdays 10am

Princeton Public Library hosts Story Time once a week for our area’s youngest readers, aimed at teaching children the joys of literature, engaging with story from a variety of sources.

Crafts, snacks, and other fun activities are often provided as part of the program.

Community Creative

Mondays 4-7 PM

Local Creatives gather in supportive community to a dedicated time to work on their current project or skill building endeavor; writing, drawing, painting, whichever medium you use to tackle that blank page. Share your work if desired to encourage one another to keep creating.

This is a time set aside for creatives with any level of skill or interest, in many areas of the creative arts, including crafts. Bring your pen and paper, yarn and crochet hook…. whatever tools you use for stretching your artistic skills!

Game Day

Fridays 3-6 pm

Game Day is an activity created for those friday afternoons at the end of the school week, a time to gather with friends and family and play games at the library. Come play and start the weekend with play and friendly competition!

Thanks to generous donations, the library is stocked with games and puzzles for multiple ages.

Book Club

Every month: 
Fourth Thursday 7pm

Once a month local readers join together to discuss the Book of the Month. Various books are read, mostly modern fiction. All books are chosen by the club members by popular vote.

If you would like to start your own book club at the library, based on your prefered book genre or friend group, let us know, we would be glad to host!